Old memory: Our Team, after performing a play White Ants ! In Solan (HP), Abhinay All India Dance & Drama Competition sometime in late 80s. Directed by Mr. Arvind Joshi & Lighting effects were done by Mr Rohitashv Gour, the famous TV & Cinema actor. In the Centre is Late Shri Sudershan Gour Ji , founder President of AIAA Shimla, a guiding force behind thousands of theater artists in all over India for whole of his life by organizing the All India competitions of Drama & Dance every year in Shimla. He was an inspiring & motivational force for thousands of artists in his life time! Naman for his services & dedication to Theatre movement in India.
Safarnama Since 1986
स्व संस्कृति की और पहला कदम
Fylfot Solan
यादगार लम्हे
Fylfot Solan
थ्रोब (धड़कन) चंडीगढ़
पहली प्रतियोगिता
दूसरा कदम
सुखा पीड़ितों के लिए कार्यक्रम
अपना उत्सव - बॉम्बे
सोलन से सीधी बॉम्बे की उड़ान (बघाटी नृत्य, पंढुआ)
आईना ए बघाट
बघाट संस्कृति की झलकियां
अपना हिमाचल
हिमाचल के जिलों की कला झलकियाँ
बेहतरीन अभिनय
शोभा यात्रा
माता शूलिनी के सम्मान में नगर झांकियां
पोशाक (पारंपरिक परिधान)
भारत के भिन्न रंगो का इंद्रधनुष
प्रेरणा स्रोत
मनानिये अतिथि
Bring your epic moments into the spotlight and Join us for
ABHINAY 2025 37th All India Dance, Drama & Music Competition